Sorry I haven't had time to rant recently. It takes time to send kids off to college, do yard work, run a business and have a life. It really feels necessary sometimes to tune out all the insanity of politics and not have to deal with liberal ideology. But, that's their strategy - bark loud and bark often and those of us who aren't rabid dogs will tune out the noise and stop paying attention. Well, it works. I am turning off the sick, feeble minded libs for a short time so I can enjoy life and concentrate on all the fabulous things I've been blessed with. The nasty, hate filled liberals who hide behind a false cloak of "we care", can spew their venom all they want, I won't be listening. In fact, that's probably one of the things that drives liberals nuts, that conservatives don't respond to their outrageous behavior with like minded fervor. Conservatives are, for the most part, level headed, fair-minded, hardworking people with jobs and families and spiritual faith. So when the left makes up their stupid lies and anti- American propaganda, e.g. Michael Moore, we just silently shake our heads and patiently wait for the next election where we can minimize these idiots. This angers the left because to them, since they didn't hear a major outcry of resistance to their propaganda, they assume that everyone agrees with them. Wrong. Another example of the insanity and immature self-mindedness of the left. They don't get it and they won't ever get it. e.g. Howard Dean, 99% of Hollywood and the mainstream media. e.g. The Cindy Sheehan story.
In case we tune out to the point we forget what the left is about, here's a quick reminder of what they stand for:
1. Hate George W. Bush, love anyone who professes hatred for George W. Bush.
2. Hate any and all conservatives, love progressively grows the farther left ones ideology goes, ie. socialists, communists, anarchists.
3. Hate religion, especially Christians and Jews, love atheism, and all religions that hate Christians and Jews.
4. Hate traditional family values, love all forms of alternative lifestyles, especially those that result in difficulty sitting down.
5. Hate economic progress and prosperity, love doom and gloom - makes people scared and dependent on government.
6. Hate traditional education, love alternative systems that are self esteem based, and that center on feelings, leftist propaganda and revisionist history.
7. Hate "the melting pot", love pot.
8. Hate talk radio, the internet and Fox news, love CBS, CNN, NBC, ABC, 99% of Newspapers, and Hollywood.
9. Hate human population, love animals of all kinds, especially those that hinder or eat humans.
10. Hate human influence on mother earth, love the thought of mother earth and nature without humans.
11. Hate free and fair elections, love one world socialism, and total governance by elites - who know better.
12. Hate the military, love trying to talk and reason as their throat is being cut by bad guys.
So there's a little overview of what the left stands for. I'll post more as I think of them. Time to get on with life.