Tuesday, March 25, 2008

They Deserve Each Other

As most Americans continue to watch the self inflicted demise of the Democrat party at the hands of it's current leadership and presidential candidates, one can't help but to gloat just a little. It's more than ironic that democrats have resorted to the same low ball tactics used relentlessly against conservatives, to now cannibalize each other in their insatiable appetite for power.

I think one of the characteristics of liberals (they now prefer to be called Progressives) that makes most Americans nauseous is their sanctimonious smug attitude toward the inconsequential peons, less intellectually gifted than them, occupying and degrading their Mother Earth. They simply know more than us and know better than us, what is best for this country and the world. Who knew that their individual arrogance would cause them to turn on each other in a frenzy of who knows more, and who knows best.

Take for example the Democratic leadership in both Michigan and Florida. It's not hard to imagine an elite group of limousine liberals sitting around their country club pool, sipping their lattes and concluding that since they knew best, they would hold their primaries early and therefore the rest of their leftist comrades would sit up and take notice of their brilliance and significance. Oops. Not a good idea. They stepped on the toes of the DNC and Howard Dean, the "short man syndrome" party chair who was looking for the chance to wield his power and prove his own significance. So Howlin' Howie penalizes the two states by stripping them of their delegates to the national convention. Now that the nomination is basically a dead heat, those missing delegates are potentially crucial and noticeably absent. Therefore, in a way, they all got their wish. Both the state's party leadership and Howard Dean proved their significance - significant arrogance.

Add into this, the elitist structure of the Democrats nomination process. Here, the general public is asked to participate in a primary process, but then told that their opinion really isn't as important as the party elites aptly called, super delegates. These party insiders are given the option of bartering their votes to the highest power broker and can choose to agree with, or change the results of the popular vote. And this is the party that is allowed to perpetuate the myth that they care about the little guy? Pathetic.

Next, simply look at the presidential nomination debacle. Although both Obama and Clinton are breathtakingly ill-equipped to be leader of the free world, both of them continue to attempt to invent themselves into something they're not. Even the sympathetic mainstream press can't hold back from the obvious. Obama claims to be a uniter but yet holds the most liberal, one-sided voting record in the senate and then for 20 years, sits at the foot of an insane, America hating, racist pastor and calls him his mentor and friend. Then you have Hillary who's entire professional life has been forged out of fabrication, corruption and hypocrisy. Her recent claim to have been under sniper fire in Bosnia is just another example of either delusional psychosis, or blatant dishonesty.

Then, finally you can't mention the word Democrat without mentioning it's synonym - infidelity. Oh I know, conservatives have had their problem politicians too, but come on! At least they usually have left office with their tale between their legs. This is like a plague! The governor of New Jersey getting kinky with his wife and their limo driver? The Governor of New York spending 80K on hookers? The new Governor of New York, affairs, coke, pot, etc? The mayor of Detroit, affairs and perjury? Sounds familiar. Except this guy might go to jail. I guess according to Reverend Wright, that would be because he's black, and Bill Clinton got away with it because he's white. (he may have point here).

All in all, it would be hard for any objective observer to look at the present collection of worthless democrats in office today and have any other feeling than absolute contempt for them. If there is any justice in this world, they will go down in history as the worst of the worst. The only consoling factor is that they soon will be gone, the election will be over, we'll have another grown up in office with McCain, and we can look back at the Democrats demise and revel in the fact that they did it to themselves.

They deserve it.


Anonymous said...

Well said. It is amusing to watch the left feast on each other like bubonic rats. And now, Hilldawg supporters are claiming that if she does not get the nomination, they'll jump ship and vote for McCain. Unbelievable. What a party of nitwits.

scud said...

Sorry "Al", I don't think he uses, or understands the word, "Amen". Good attempt at being clever though.

Anonymous said...

Actually, as a Jew, I just pronounce it differently... By the way Scud, what exactly does the word "amen" mean? (no cheatin' lookin' it up)

scud said...

I believe it is a form of agreement or affirmation, or acknowledgement of God's will relating to petition through prayer. I know it has Hebrew origins. My comment referred primarily to the impression that Frankken's behavior and demeanor shows him to be a godless, angry little twit who would rarely use the word in it's usual context. It will be fun to watch him/you get blown away by Coleman.

Anonymous said...

Actually it is a Hebrew word which roughly translates as "believe", or "this I believe". You see Scud, you're never too old to learn... if you want to.

Anonymous said...

I bet you've uttered that word thousands of times in your life. Never once pausing to wonder what the word meant, or questioning why. Just like the mindless trained monkey you are. Go vote for Norm Coleman. You two dimwits deserve each other.

scud said...

Thanks Al for your acknowledgement that I have been in prayer "thousands" of times and that I, at least have been "trained". I think that puts me beyond most liberals who have been brainwashed into misinformed drones. And yes, I, and the rest of Minnesota do deserve Coleman as our senator. He's a class act. unlike Stewart Smalley. Also, if you can read, I understand the word, Amen. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that you've prayed thousands of times. I bet you even have a lucky rabbit's foot, and click your heels while repeating "There's no place like home". All of which do as much good.

Anonymous said...

What's the matter, Scud? Run out of stupid?

Anonymous said...

I don't think highly of people who earn income with interpreations of an Invisible Sky Wizard but Scud's characterization of Rev. Wright doesn't withstand scrutiny. He called him an America hater. The man *volunteered* to fight in Vietnam. Given that Scud's republican heroes did everything possible to avoid that conflict, I can understand his confusion. People don't volunteer to fight for a country they hate.

Scud: In the interest of journalistic integrity, you should scrutinize some of the pastors whose endorsements, John McSame actively sought. Here's a few: Rod Parsley, Jerry Falwell and John Hagee.

Anonymous said...

Good news, everybody!... No, Jesus isn't coming back, and neither is the Easter Bunny (sorry Scud). However, there will be no Senator "The Body" from Minnesota!
