Friday, February 06, 2009

Good Start, Barry!

This past week we were again given definitive proof that the Demoncrats have completely lost their collective minds and now have initiated the nailing process in the coffin of this country. Pelosi, Reid and Obamessiah have shamelessly force fed Americans a spending bill in the name of "stimulus" that our descendants will be paying back for generations. The bill written by Pelosi and friends in the house, was nothing more than a wish list of leftist ideals and pork-laden payback to loyal comrades who helped fool the nation and put them in power. The details of the bill have been widely discussed and exposed by talk radio, conservative web sites and Fox News, but it still boggles the mind that the mainstream press can't bring itself to do journalism 101 and report the truth as to the insanity of this bill. The MSM is responsible for the election of the "Chosen One" because of their blatant partisanship. They spent 8 years deriding Republicans and George Bush, and spent 2 years singing the praises of Obama while covering up for him in his obvious corruption, anti-American associations and incompetence.

So, here we are facing down the next four years of an administration who potentially could rival Roosevelt and Carter for making the most incompetent and damaging economic decisions ever. This is an administration that can't even get the simplest task of appointing cabinet members right. Now they are trying to convince the country that their partisan strategy of random pork spending is going to stimulate the economy. The economy recovers when people have their own money to use as they see fit and businesses have the capitol to invest, grow and hire workers. It's not rocket science. But not spending 300M on STD research won't make their leftist donors happy, so better to sacrifice the health of the country than financial payback to your supporters. It's beyond pathetic. It's treasonous. Political revolution is already in the air, and this buffoon has only been in office for 3 weeks!

Is there a Demoncrat that has the integrity to stand on principal and say no to the elitism and corruption demonstrated by the leadership in Washington? Apparently not. The sneering and cynical tone of Obamessiah's cheerleading session at a Virginia Demoncrat retreat yesterday revealed the true nature of this great deceiver. He basically claimed that if Republicans don't agree with him they're not being "bi-partisan". Maybe Obama's lack of experience in the senate, or in anything of value, hasn't provided him with the knowledge or skills to know what that term really means. Anyone, especially a president, should know that our government works best when it compromises, not agrees. I don't want an agreeing government. Debate is necessary. I want conservative ideas listened to and for Dems to realize that 49% of the country shouldn’t be ignored. But, this is the administration of "Change". So now the change we can believe in is good old, corrupt Chicago style bullying. Nice job Barry. "Yes you can". I hope you kept that house in Chicago that your friend and convicted slum lord, Tony Rezko helped you buy, 'cause you're going to need it in 4 years.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Scud, you are spot on. While Congress wrestles with this nightmare of a bill, where can you find BO? Writing an editorial for the Washington Post, basically pumping fear into the process. Vote for it or else. Now that's great leadership. You want to stimulate the economy? Cut the corporate and personal tax rates. Some states have corporate tax rates approaching 41%. Why build a factory here when you can go overseas and build it with a ZERO corporate tax rate.

I thought about giving BO 100 days for his honeymoon but, nah, why wait? His buffoonery is so apparent in his first couple of weeks in office, might as well start trashing him at every corner now and avoid the Christmas rush.

Go Bo go! You're doing great!

Anonymous said...

I fail to recall similar sentiments to heed the political minority when the country was divided 51 to 49% the other way. In fact, the loudest cries were to invoke the "nuclear option" and change Senate rules so that pesky minority wouldn't get in the way.

Frankly Obama's biggest mistake has been his effort to achieve bi-partisanship. You can't work with a party who takes its marching orders from Rush Lardbaugh. Let's not forget why you losers are on the outside looking in: your buddy George W. Bush drove the country into a ditch.

You guys act like this crisis began on January 20th. Thanks to Dorkus W. Dildo we're out of options. Monetary policy has reached its end. The Fed has cut the rates that it controls to essentially zero. Tax cuts offer no guarantees of increased spending and they certainly won't prompt the unemployed. To JR's point: Why build a factory anywhere while the economy is hemorrhaging jobs? We're in serious danger of a deflationary spiral. I've only got 80 years or so on this planet and I really don't need to spend ten of them picking for sand crabs on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. The Chicago School has tried and failed. It's time for Dr. Keynes to revive the patient.

Anonymous said...

Nothing demonstrates old Scud's obtuseness more than this statement. "The details of the bill have been widely discussed and exposed by talk radio, conservative web sites and Fox News,".

scud said...

Simpleton! Bush did not cause the housing melt down. There are a lot of reasons, and Republicans are not without blame, but Dem policies put us there, Dem obfuscation and coverup kept us there and now Dems are throwing gasoline on the bonfire! Get real!

Anonymous said...

If Democratic policies got us in this mess, then we should never elect Republicans again. Why? Because they controlled ALL BRANCHES of government from 2001 until 2007. If 1990s policy caused an economic melt-down, they had six years to change it. Yet they did nothing. Wait, it gets better. The policy to which Scud refers is the Community Reinvestment Act. That law applied only to FDIC insured banks. The Scud model of faith-based politics is confusing so bear with me. The policy that supposedly brought down the shadow banking industry never applied to the institutions that collapsed, ergo CLINTON! CLINTON! CLINTON!

Anonymous said...

Quotes for the Week:

"If we do everything right....there still is a 30% chance we're going to get it wrong."

-Joe Biden

"You know, I don't remember exactly what Joe was referring to...not surprisingly. I have no idea. I really don't."

-President BO

"Honey? Have you seen my bottle of Viagra? And can you run to the mailbox and see if our stimulus check has arrived yet?"


"Three weeks down, only 205 more to go."


Anonymous said...

The Dow is down another 400 points today as the empty suit Timmy Geithner unveiled his brilliant plan to save the banking industry. Wall Street balked because, in the end, there's no substance to any of it.

America: can you feel the winds of Change sweeping across the land? Hope and Change, I can feel it in the air tonight.....

Anonymous said...

Face it, the reason that the Geithner Plan fell flat on its face is because a few hundred billion won't even come close to propping up the banking industry. If the feds are serious, it's going to take $1 - $2 trillion to get it going and start to thaw the credit markets. And even then, there are no guarantees.

Yes indeed, it's a mess. But the dems, along with BO's administration always have the tried and true fall back phrase: "This crisis is a direct result of the past 8 years of failed economic policies......" Blah. Blah. Blah. The first lesson in real leadership is:

It's your responsibility, you're in charge BO. You're it. It's your fault and it's your job to fix it. Blaming W will work for a short time, and the MSM will deflect as much of the criticism as possible but in the end, you've got a HUGE mess on your hands.

Anonymous said...

Instituting a little selective censorship Scud? That, of course, would be a normal reaction for a wingnut.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's game on now. Welcome to Obamas, D.C.'s newest restaurant with the finest atmosphere and dining around. Today's special: Pork and Hope, with a steaming side order of Change. And for dessert? A huge bowl of Debt. Yes indeed, $787 billion dollars. Frisbee parks, entitlements for Filipino vets, a rail system between Vegas and LA (Thanks Harry, good for Nevada). Wow. I stand humbled in front of such fiscal genius. THIS is what constitutes Change We Can Believe In? The largest transfer of assets from the private sector to the public sector, massive debt spending, larger government, more bureaucracy, more inefficiency, more stupidity, and on, and on, and on. The markets sure responded today with optimism, huh? Shows how much faith Wall Street has in BO and the biggest bunch of moronic legislators in history.

Again, I just want to say thanks to all of you who believed in BO. This is really turning into something special. Something really historic. Something.....nevermind.

Hey RJ, relax. Maybe if you start using a name that's different from mine, you won't get clipped. Sheesh, what a noob.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you've just missed it JR, but your butt buddy Scud doesn't show this same concern when some wingnut posts under Jeff's name.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you about Change We Can Believe In: the restoration of science. Years of Republican rule have rendered us theocratic morons. As this chart indicates, the only "Western" nation with less public acceptance of the emphatic theory of biology is Islamic Turkey.

Dorkus W. Dildo wanted schools to "teach both sides." Since he wouldn't know Lamarck if he returned from the dead to smack him in the face, one assumes our former president (currently ranked 36th) meant the theory and the myth. I like a good story as much as anyone but nobody ever cured polio with a novel.

Anonymous said...

There's a rich desert: A republican who whines about a bowl of debt. It's like the last eight years never happened. Remember when Bush turned a $128 billion dollar surplus into a $482 billion dollar deficit? Maybe whine about that.

Anonymous said...


Worst. President. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, another one of Jeff's "quality people", stuck his tootsies in his mouth. This time it's Eric Himpton Holder, Jr., America's newest Attorney General. Eric had the balls this week to call all 300 million of us a "nation of cowards" because we don't hang with different races on weekends and perpetually talk about racism with everyone we meet, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. What an elitist, arrogant, condescending, racist nitwit. This administration is getting more comical by the day.


Anonymous said...

I had never heard of Eric Himpton Holder, Jr. before he was nominated so it's safe to say he wasn't on my list of quality people. I found his comments on what the Bushes refer to as "The Google." JR's disingenuous characterization aside, the dude is right.

Race, Holder said, "is an issue we have never been at ease with and, given our nation's history, this is in some ways understandable... If we are to make progress in this area, we must feel comfortable enough with one another and tolerant enough of each other to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us."

I think we should heed his advice. I'll do my part. From now on, I promise to hang out with more hot black chicks in thong bikinis...

Anonymous said...

I, like JR, have no problem addressing the issue of race. I like conservatives of my own race. And dislike all liberals and uppity members of other races.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, call me crazy but after one month into BO's regime, I think it's going very well. The stimulus package, all $800 billion (make that $2.7 tillion with interest) was signed off on. A 1,000-plus pages in this bill that was supposed to be posted on websites 48 hours before the vote but of course, was not. So much for transparency, one of BO's campaign promises. Meanwhile, congress continues engaging in partisan politics. It's all about agendas and power. And oh, the comedic characters: Blago, Burris, Reid, Pelosi, Holder, etc. What a carnival of garbage.

So, America, how's the CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN going? Are you better off? Are you feeling optimistic? How are the markets responding to the democratic leadership?

2012 can't get here soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Quotes of the day:

"Never before in our history has a tax cut taken effect faster or gone to so many hardworking Americans."


"Sweet! With my extra $13 per week in take home pay, I'll be able to buy the wife and kids a couple of extra bags of day-old donut holes for dinner! Thanks Mr. President! You're the greatest!"



Anonymous said...

JR acts like the Republicans haven't held the White House in seventeen hundred and fifty billion years. They squandered a budgetary surplus, poorly executed two wars and watched idly as the banking industry gave away Mr Greenspan's cheap money. Now a black man is forced to clean up after them. A brother can't catch a break ... until now!

A new Harris poll indicates that Barry HUSSEIN Obama is now more popular then another famous black man, the long dead Jesus of Christian mythology. (Although Jesus did come in at Number Two.) Yes we can!

scud said...

Hey Jeffy, what's with the link back to some stupid web page paying homage to some lame gay painter? Is that you? don't you have a leftist, hate spewing serious page? Or are you hiding. Remember, your socialist hero won, you don't have to hide anymore.

Anonymous said...

Scud: I have two sites that are works in progress. I subscribe to the hacker ethic: release early and often. They represent an attempt to catalog two artists I collect: Hermann-Paul and Otto Dix. Damn, that's three sentences with colons. I think I met my quota.

To the best of my knowledge neither artist was gay and Otto Dix in particular nailed himself some chicks. Dix stole Dr Koch's wife who didn't seem to mind since he was nailing his wife's older sister. The two men became brothers-in-law. Otto Dix was anti-war and anti-Nazi. If that makes him a leftist, then God bless him. To be clear: his oils are way out of my price range. Fortunately, he also produced lithographs many of which can be acquired for less than $2K.

Personally, I lost interest in blogging after the world finally understood what I knew to be true is 2003: George W. Bush was the incompetent son of an 4ssh0le. This is the only blog I frequent and it never stops giving...

Anonymous said...

A recent poll found that 75% of Americans are not pleased with the current state of the country and pretty much live in fear for what the future holds. Now, considering that 51% of the public voted for Hope and Change, I find that statistic interesting. Could it be that the Faithful are getting a little restless with their Annointed One?

Enter the STIMULUS! Yessir, $787,000,000,000.00 U.S. dollars, courtesy of our broke Federal Government. The net result of this investment to middle class America? $52 per month after taxes. Wow. Now that is some serious economic stimuli. I'm not sure how the cost/benefit analysis works on Planet Libdem but here on earth, it's tough to connect the dots on this deal. $787 billion and the average, working class peon will see $13 bucks per week. Hmmm, it just seems a little out of whack. I mean, maybe $13 dollars per week is some major cash in BO's home country of Kenya but here in America? Not so much.

Exciting times, these.


Anonymous said...

Suddenly all the wingnuts are worried about government spending. But when the Chimpster was busy spending it hand over fist, finding all those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they were all strangely mute.

One things clear, the whole conservative movement is Bipolar.

Anonymous said...

Why is the Federal government "broke" in the first place? In 2001, the Republicans inherited a 100 billion dollar budgetary surplus and promptly turned it into a half a trillion dollar deficit. And when it came to forking up money for Iraqi infrastructure, I heard no cries from conservatives. In fact, they demanded money to build Muqtada al-Sadr's precious infrastructure. FSCK IRAQ! I want high speed rail in the Northeast corridor, I don't give a sh!t about sewer pipes in Mesopotamia. You guys can't wrap your heads around an issue unless it's wrapped in a chant so here's one for you: "Build here! Build now!"

Anonymous said...

You cry baby libs still don't get it. We had to destroy and rebuild Iraq's infrastructure. Otherwise they would have flown more airplanes into buildings, and then we would have had to surrender. Wake the fuck up!

Anonymous said...

Quotes for the Day:

"You know, I'm embarrassed. Do you know the website number?"

-Joe Biden

"We will rebuild, we will recover..."


"C'mon Barack, stimulate me!"


"Quality, quality, and more quality. It's all good."



Anonymous said...

You libs don't know squat about Ieaq. But this great man did.

"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself."

George W Bush

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