Tuesday, May 05, 2009


I haven't written much lately because there's no way to really express and describe the insanity that is going on in Washington and in Demoncratically controlled states. they have taken complete control and they are nuts! Even when Republicans enjoyed their brief moment of dominant control, there was always a few that would crossover or act independently, etc, but this generation of Dems is absolutely unprecedented in their rush to "change" the country. Unfortunately, the direction Obama and his minions want to take the country, is in a direction that will bankrupt, enslave and marginalize us as a nation. What can anyone say to try to stop him? I don't think anything. Just as most of us warned, the Obamasiah is a business moron. but who can blame him? his business knowledge was probably gleaned from a lecture or 2 in college led by marxists posing as professors. His foreign policy is being learned on the job as tutored by George Soros and his domestic policy was learned from America hater, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. The simple fact is that Obama is actually a book smart idiot with no common sense and devoid of any wisdom. Dems Suck in every respect. Like I said, I'm speechless!


Unknown said...

Take is easy, scud. Breath in, beath out. Feel better? Sure Obama lacks W's business expertise. Few people can run two businesses into the ground only to be granted a third to ruin. Most of us are held accountable for our incompetence, not granted promotions. No matter. Our current concern is financial.

As I mentioned earlier, Obama did surround himself with quality people. They don't all possess the types of qualities you flyovers want from economic policy makers. George Soros would pay for time with your wife if it tickled his fancy. He's a pig but the man has a great deal of financial expertise.

Despite no guidance from Jesus, it looks like these guys have managed to pull us back from the Abyss. Their action in the face of crisis has been the most ambitious in history. By many indicators, this recession was steeper than the Depression. The IMF's projection was a 1.3% shrink in global output, the first contraction in 60 years. Recent response to economic policy has been encouraging. Markets are up. The slump in global manufacturing is easing. The domestic housing market is starting to thaw. And, most importantly, non-scud confidence is growing.

The Depression showed the consequences of government inaction in the face of economic calamity. A response such as the one enacted by the Obama team has never been attempted so nobody knows when it will fully take effect. The green shoots of hope should not be confused with economic recovery. Obama must keep his foot on the gas. My concern was that socialist (now Marxist) rhetoric would cause them to tighten the reins prematurely. Arlen Specter's abandonment could not come at a better time. As moderates defect, the rhetoric of the extreme grows increasingly irrelevant. Thanks for your contribution.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised that a guy who takes his guidance from George W. Bush is "Speachless"

scud said...

The Kool-Aide must be pretty good, 'cause you've had too much. I love how the left used to scream hysterically as W spent money, raising the debt level. The constant debt clock watchers wrung their hankies in their collective hands, fretting about the deficit and a supposed insurmountable debt. Now the "The One" is tripling the debt in ten years to unprecedented levels and no one bats an eye. Everyone buys the BS that he's bravely doing what is necessary to save the world and correct the mistakes of the past 8 years. BULL! He's intentionally running the train off the track so he can remake the country into "Europe West"!

I don't have time to take a breath. The man is a leftist ideologue with an insane congress at his beck and call. And if you don't recognize what they're doing, then you deserve the disaster that's coming!

Good Luck!

Heywood Jablowme said...

Scud, somehow I doubt you'll ever be truly speechless. But we can always count on you being completely clueless.

scud said...

I'm truly sorry for you. As stated, you deserve the tidal wave of unemployment, hyper inflation, big government control and decreased security that you'll be getting.

Good luck in your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Quite complaining about the country wingnut. As you rethug's are so fond of saying, "Love it or leave it."

Dick Eader said...

Either Scud is moving out of the country, or he (as usual) doesn't understand what it means to be a citizen of The USA. All Americans share in the ups and downs of the results of our political figures' decisions. As an American, I shared in the shame of being a citizen of a country which tortures detainees, spies on it's own people, and wages illegal wars of aggression. I guess I deserved it. Now scud has to share in the shame of being a citizen of a country which wants to make sure that all of it's people have basic health care, has a rebuilt infrastructure, and allows gay marriage. Welcome to representative democracy.

scud said...

It's funny how we see the same thing differently isn't it? That frivolous waste of time and energy after 9/11 was totally unnecessary and only part of a diabolical plot by Bush/Cheney orchestrated only to go to war in Iraq, steal their oil and enrich themselves and their friends. That's right, I remember now. And that whole spying on fine upstanding citizens thing was also a horrible injustice. Why would anyone want to know who might be calling known terrorists in foreign countries? Big deal, probably just talking about the weather. And causing discomfort to people who want to kill us. What were they thinking? How inhuman! waterboarding 3 people - The evil ran so deep in the last administration. How could they? It doesn't matter that they learned valuable information that saved American lives. small price to pay in order to protect a terrorist from feeling discomfort.

Now we have an administration that has bankrupted my kids future in order to take over private sector companies, promise sub par healthcare to everyone including illegals, pay back unions with government construction contracts and forced membership of employees, destroyed the economy by printing money like there's no tomorrow causing inflation, crippling business and hurting the middle and lower class.

You can try to perfume the crap all you want, but it is what it is - crap.

Dick Eader said...

I see the light now. As a matter of fact, I think the federal government should round up and torture all citizens it SUSPECTS of being subversive to the government, and a danger to the population. Constitution be damned. That may be the only action the Obama administration can take to prevent another Oklahoma City. Who cares if a few conservative patriots are denied their rights- as long as it gives me the chance to wash the piss stains out of my panties.

Jeff said...

First of all, Scudric, I was not critical of the Bush administration's fiscal policies until sometime around 2004 - three years into the administration. By then it was obvious they were budgeting with smoke and mirrors and playing to crony capitalists, i.e., no bid contracts and rules that forbid the Federal government for negotiating prescription drug prices.

The Bushies' projections were based on rosy revenue scenarios. They relied on the expiration of their tax cuts for budgetary purposes while they lobbied for their extensions. They made no effort to budget for existing conflicts nor for projected natural disasters. In other words, it was budgetary shortfall by design. The former administration bankrupted your kids way before this one ever came along. Somehow that's okay in Scudland.

Currently, some of Obama's projections seem rosy but I'm not going to rip him before he submits his first budget. But keep this in mind: One reason why it's bigger than recent budgets is because he actually projects war expenditures (we're currently engaged in two) and natural disasters (Jesus hates us cos of gay marriage).

A big chunk of Obama's expenditures are slated for infrastructure enhancement. That won't make your kids poorer, it'll make them richer. Build here, build now.

Jeff said...

I'd like to take a moment to thank the baby Jesus for guiding DICK Cheney to the Sunday talk show circuit. This morning he claimed Republicans needed more Rush Limbaugh idelogues and fewer Colin Powell pragmatists. The Republicans ought to be back in power any minute now ... yep, any minute....

Jeff said...

Sometimes it's hard to believe we're all part of the same country. In Georgia, they have racially segregated proms while in California a gay guy was voted prom queen. I propose we split the mother up. The South can be Jesustan. The midwest can be Methastan. The left coast can be Loopistan. And in the northeast, we'll build a wall to keep you dingbats out...

Unknown said...

Oh, noes! A non-nut might challenge Our Lady of Perpetual Insanity in next year's Republican primary. Don't worry, Minnesota. This guy doesn't stand a chance in what is commonly believed to be Scud's district. Here's a sample from the comments: "Johnston is a communist. Long live Bachmann! Stock up on ammo!" No, sir. America's favorite retard is here to stay...

Jeff said...

More bad news for Scud: In this calendar year, Pennsylvania currently owns the World Series, Superbowl, Stanley Cup, Calder Cup and Big Ten Championship. Federer should have been born here....