Sunday, December 31, 2006

Out of Hiding - Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I've decided to take a chance and immerge from my secret, fortified spider hole to say hello and good luck in the New Year. I've been in hiding since the disastrous November election in which the Republicrats choked away the election and handed the reigns over to the absolute worst bunch of imbeciles ever to walk the halls of congress. Of course, the other imbeciles on the Republican side showed their ineptitude by screwing up to the point that the evil side won. But, of course, that's water under the proverbial bridge and thus the need for the fortified hiding place. After Pelosi and Reid decide to pass laws making it illegal to be a white, Christian, English speaking, pro national security, free market American, hiding will be necessary.

So Happy New Year everybody! I'll try to come out of hiding more often this year and keep you informed as to how the resistance movement is coming along. There always is hope. George is still president, The Supreme Court has 2 new outstanding members and the Republicans have been purged of Lincoln Chaffee. There is still a lot of work to do in the months ahead in cleaning house to ensure a true conservative presence in the Republican Party - it is our only hope. So hang in there folks, stay active, call your congress people and let them know how you feel. We can't let the evil side destroy the country. And that is their goal. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Scud. All the best to you and yours.

Conversely, Jeff, here's hoping you wrap your car around a tree after driving home drunk from a New Years Eve party. Lib Dem garbage.

Anonymous said...

Scud: Nice new look but I think you've got more details to change. You've been forty-seven for, like, three years now. Oh, and, is anonymous one of those white, Christian, English-speaking types you want to protect? I assume he's white and he must be a Christian. He wishes death upon others just like Jesus...

scud said...

Ha ha! I just ws looking at that. Yes, I need to update some info. I don't want to be "Clintonesque" and be misleading. Changes to follow.

scud said...

Oh yeah, and your knowledge of Christianity needs a little help. I'll be happy to accommodate your needs if you'd like. Happy new year. Also, tell your wife to keep her feet moving and step into the ball. Also, it will help her if she watches the ball into the racquet and swings through the ball with a thorough follow through. I'll be happy to help you with net play next time.

Anonymous said...

scud: I doubt your tennis advise could improve the game of any serious player, but I'm willing to entertain your thoughts on Christianity. You can start with an explanation: How does anonymous' request that I wrap a car around a tree fit with the teachings of Jesus?

scooterlib said...

And a Happy New Year to you Scud. Considering the results of the recent general election, the prospects of this year being happy is much greater than any year since 1994. As I suspected, and you've confirmed, you were in hiding. A situation caused no doubt by shellshock, induced by the nation's repudiation of the Republic Party's reign of fanaticism. Add to this, the additional trauma of living in a state where the voters elected a Muslim to the House of Representatives and I think you can see why we lefties were worried about your well-being. I wouldn't have been suprised to hear that your business was up for sale and you were contemplating a move to some place safe, like Utah. Bottom line is, I'm happy to see you out of hiding and still tilting at windmills.

It's just like you though, to take the luster off an otherwise happy time by reminding us that George still has 2 more years in which to continue screwing things up. One more thing, it was great to see you do the "Christian" thing and disagree with the death wish made by "anonymous" towards Jeff. Take the time to reflect and it becomes apparent, for this particular person "anonymous" is more of a personal description than a blog identity.

scud said...

Whoa! Pee pain, let's start the New Year with a little less animosity shall we? cripe! You don't want to live up to your lefty stereotype of seething rage and bitterness do you? Of course there is a bit of sarcasm in my comments. The fact that you don't have a sense of humor leaves me to believe that you must have spent too many hours in liberal arts classes at some prestigious institution of lower living - probably in the women's studies department. Relax, crack open a cold one and watch a game on the tube. You've got your wish; the simpletons have taken over thanks to the idiotic simpletons that kicked it away. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right scud. I wouldn't want to to display stereotypical animosity like "...the absolute worst bunch of imbeciles ever to walk the halls of congress.", or "... We can't let the evil side destroy the country. And that is their goal."...Sure am glad that there are men of integrity like yourself and the President who can rise above the fray, and point out the faults of us lesser citizens.

Anonymous said...

Scud, you addressed pee-pain but failed to answer my question WRT anonymous' Christianity. How does his desire to see me wrap a car around a tree fit with the teachings of Jesus?

While you're at it, would you mind telling me why you like George W. Bush. Is there anything he hasn't screwed up?

Anonymous said...

Dang, Jeff is still vertical.....