The 2-year circus began today as the new members of congress were sworn in. It was indeed a proud day for Minnesotans as Keith Ellis found a way to solidify his name in history for being the most insignificant and unqualified congressman to ever get his name in the news for spitting on his country. Ellis is a follower of the cult of death and found it necessary to make a statement during the swearing-in ceremony for new congressional members by swearing in over a Quran instead of the Bible. Yes, over the past 230 years, other texts have been used in the ceremony a couple of times, but never a text that represents an ideology with which the free world is currently at war. Representative Ellis knows this of course, but certain to be a failure; he knew that this was his only chance to gain notoriety. New Speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi was only too excited to oblige the fool from Minnesota in his wish desecrate the event. She too displayed her foolishness and loathsome condescension toward Americans by pretending to have been a suffragette, who only through her persistence and heroism was finally able to break the Marble ceiling and change the course of history for all women everywhere. Come on! Give us a break! She was born into privilege, raised and married into more money, is worth over 25 million dollars, and she expects us to feel proud of her long suffering struggle to achieve power? Sorry Nancy. You're an out of touch San Francisco far lefty that has nothing in common with 98% of this country. And she's 3rd in line to the presidency. This country needs prayer. It will be an entertaining 2 years!
Indeed, the Democrats have barely gotten in the door and they're already salivating over the prospect of raising taxes and happily claiming that Iraq has been another humiliating defeat for America. What a circus of fools. Same old bullsh*t from Washington, nothing ever changes.
Nah, the twelve year freak show just ended. Who can ever forget:
Mark "That's one hot page" Foley
Tom "Indict me please" Delay
Randy "Dukestir" Cunningham
Bob "Don't drop the soap" Ney
Conrad "Yes Mr. Abramoff" Burns
George "Macacawitz" Allen
Katherine "Look at my tits" Harris
Curt "My daughter earned it" Weldon
Bill "Video diagnosis" Frist
Rick "I sing to corpses" Santorum
Roy "Yes, Mr. Abramoff" Blunt
Richard "My family's on the payroll" Pombo
Don "The Choker" Sherwood
Marilyn "The fags are taking over" Musgrave
...and many many more
Let's face it,you just don't like those uppity brown folks thinking they got a right to participate in running this country. Particularly when they aren't even a member of the walks on water crowd. I'm sure by now you've heard the results of the Rev. Pat Robertson's latest conversation with God. So in addition to the lefties and non-whites taking over the government, Pat's dire warning is another reason for you to head down to the bunker. See you down the road, Scud.
Sorry anti, like most lefties, you are absolutely wrong. It is intellectually lazy for you to want to stereotype conservatives as racists, homophobes, cold hearted, closed minded, etc. It's easy, and it's probably what you were brainwashed into thinking in college. Unfortunately, that thinking is incorrect. I care most about the sanctity and preservation of this country - it's security, it's culture, and it's opportunity for all. the left has other ideas that are detrimental to those things I value. Ellis and Pelosi represent the negative direction the left wants to take this country.
Also, I think Pat Robertson is a nut. I emailed his office and told him so. He is a TV personality looking for ratings among his somewhat kooky followers. He is not a prophet.
Good luck to you.
You tell him, Scud! Only you're allowed to be intellectually lazy, and stereotypify people. How dare Antiscud suggest to knowing cultural americana. Only a real patriot like yourself would understand the danger which stems from Pelosi and Ellis questioning the notion of no bid contracts, handouts to Big Oil, or practicing congressional oversight.
I mean Ellison, not Ellis. I apologize to the gentleman from Minnesota.
To talk to god is one thing but if he answers then that's quite another thing. Since Pat Robertson receives talking points from God, scud is quite correct: He's nuts.
But if Woodward's account is accurate - and it's been collaborated - George W. Bush strolled around the White House on the eve of the Second Bush War and recieved divine sanction to blow the sh!t out of brown people. If Pat Robertson is nuts, then GWB is nuts and dangerous.
By the way, it still hurts. No matter what I do, when I urinate the pain is excruciating. If anyone out there has any ideas, I'm all ears. Please, help me.
Well, if Woodward said it, you know it has to be a fact. Knuckle-dragging liberals: they believe ANYTHING, as long as it fits their prejudices and warped opinions.
Lib dem garbage.
Don't make me do that gang. This can be fun and entertaining. There's no need to go too far. I know that I do tend to generalize when I refer to the left. Usually it's deserved, although, on an individual basis, of course there are exceptions, (many of my best friends are wacked out liberals) but you other lefties should try harder to police your own when they live down to the mean spirited, hatefilled, angry stereotype which you all claim is untrue. So prove me wrong. Stupid is, as stupid does.
Well Scud, should the actions of certain Muslims make you comfortable classifying the entire religion as a "cult of death". All I can say is "more power to you." But, lets expand on that train of thought and see what the following examples say about the chosen religion of these two characters. First up, right-wing talk show host, Hal Turner saying, "We may have to ASSASSINATE some of the people you elect on Nov. 7! This could be your LAST ELECTION CHANCE, to save this Republic". And who can forget the lovely Ann "the man" Coulter pining for someone to put "rat poison" in the food or drink of Supreme Court Justice Stevens. To some, right wingers excluded. Those remarks, do sound like something you would hear from members of a "cult of death". But regrettably, I have to inform you, neither of those two are Muslims. In fact, they both profess to be of the Christian faith. Who'd a thunk it.
I'm kind of curious as to why you have a picture of Laura Bush and Rep. Ellison at the top of this thread?
Someone else posted under my sobriquet.
scud: you still haven't told me what you like so much about George W. Bush. It can't be his fiscal responsibility or his role as commander in chief. So what is it?
Scud said, "So prove me wrong." Well, I can't say you're completely wrong, but neither are you completely right. Biased is probably the correct term. There's no doubt you were right to delete the obscene post directed at you and your family. But in the preceding thread, you chose to ignore an entry by one person, hoping that another of your posters would wrap his car around a tree. There was no response from you, even after this post was repeatdly brought to your attention. For my part, since I can't imagine a lot of positive things happening to a someone who's had the misfortune to wrap their car around tree. So, I'm going to go out on a limb, and say the car wreck wish was made in a malicious and not the recommended "fun and entertaining" manner.
The question then, is why did you choose to ignore one of these posts and delete the other? A suspicious person, might conclude you deleted one because it was made by a leftie. And ignored the other, because it was made against a leftie and you agreed with it. Surely any reasonable person will be puzzled as to why, on this blog. A post containing an obscenity, is found to be more offensive than one wishing for someone's injury or death. Whatever the reason, selective editing like that would seem to advance this site as a place "where anything goes". Hopefully you're open to suggestions, because I'm going to make one. In the future, you might try to be a little more even-handed when you choose to hit the delete button. Because contrary to what you appear to believe, the lefties haven't cornered the market on being "mean spirited and hatefilled". You right-wingers give as well as you get.
Scud's about as fair and balanced as FOX News.
OK, Scooter, good point. I'll do better in the future. It was a bit over the edge, no doubt. All around, a little less personal attack and more debate about issues is the goal of this little rant site. I stand corrected.
And actually, Fox is fair and balanced. Oreilly rips conservatives when deserved and has lefties on whenever they'll come, and obviously, Hannity AND Combs balances thier time, as does the other shows. It's just so unlike the one-sided crap you get on the alphabet channels that it seems unbalanced.
Yeah right...
Scud, you're full of shit. You still have not deleted the comment where anonymous wishes that Jeff would wrap his car around a tree (as of 1/8/07, 11:30 EST) . How typical. In that case...Here's hoping your children are caught in a house fire.
Is there any group as self-loathing as liberals? Regardless of the topic, the rhetoric and tone are consistently the same. I often wonder, what makes a liberal happy? Does anything make a liberal happy? I'm not really expecting a serious answer, most likely I'll be ripped to shreds for even asking.
Scud, a suggestion: since the liberal natives are still twittering over "Car-Wrapped-Around-A-Tree-Gate", I'd delete it. Liberals tend to have thin skins. Secondly, mr. ithurtswhenipee's comment has crossed the line bigtime. As much as he is a perfect poster boy for the left, I would ban his comments permanently. He is mentally ill, delete any and all of his posts.
I love the picture of Pelosi, hilarious stuff that.
What makes liberals happy? Anything that makes slinky unhappy. Seriously.
slinky: you *often* wonder what makes a liberal happy? Well, why didn't you just ask? It's the saturday crossword puzzle. Sheesh.
What makes us happy?????
...why pot, of course.
Not sure whether peepain is actually writing for himself, or if it's a pretend author. Either way, it's overly hostile. If it is authentic, maybe the VD that causes his "pain" has finally advanced to affect his brain and it's only a matter of time before he ends up institutionalized and they'll give him an Etch-a-Sketch instead of a computer. He probably won't know the difference at his advanced level of deterioration. Sorry for the loss.
Seriously, if the tone can't be civil, you're gone. With the anonymity of this comment process as it is, it's easy to take on a tone that is over the top. Imagine that we all sitting around at a Starbucks (I prefer Caribou, but they're not yet national). Please comment in a way that you would to someone in person.
So I guess telling someone that you wish they would have a car accident, or calling someone's wife "barren", or stating " You lefties, I'm afraid, are controlled by your deviancy" would be standard conversation starters in a Minnesota coffee shop?
...or are they only offensive if said by someone who thinks that the President is capable of error.
I'll stop it when you do. Until then, fuck you.
I'm truly sorry for your anger and bitterness. You must be miserable. Try pushing back from the keyboard and taking a deep breath. Maybe take a walk outside and instead of looking around you and seeing only stuff you don't have or other's happiness, which probably makes you mad, you might want to try to appreciate all that you do have and how amazing and wonderful life actually is. Otherwise, I suggest you get some help.
I am VERY happy. I have a beautiful wife and family, a cozy home, friends in abundance, and so much more. Contrary to what you think: pointing out your blatant hypocracy doesn't make me bitter. It makes me laugh, and feel quite pleased with myself.
Happy Surge Day!!!!!!
Sorry, I mean hypocrisy not hypocracy. I really should spell check.
"The President has the ability to exercise his own authority if he thinks Congress has voted the wrong way."
Tony Snow -- January 8, 2007
Peeboy has a family and a cozy home, yeah right.
Yeah, I have a home, and I bet it's even bigger than your double wide. By "double wide", I mean your home, not your wife.
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