Saturday, March 01, 2008

End of an Era, Beginning of an Error

Well it looks like we will soon see the last of the Hillbilly express, on the campaign trail anyway. B. Hussein Obampra is about to take a commanding lead in the Demoncratic race and then provide several months of entertainment before McCain cleans his clock in the general election. In the mean time, we will have to endure months of media bias, the likes of which have never been seen before. As a conservative, you expect the usual suspects such as NBC, CBS, the New York Times, NPR, etc, etc to carry the Demoncratic torch for the most liberal candidate on the ticket. This year however, we're going to see a media push that will be unprecedented. The left has found their messiah. He's a former coke using, socialist, mulatto with an Ivy League legal education, an Islamic background, an anti-military record, and can string more than two sentences together without sounding shrill, angry or stupid. The ideal sleeper. He has the ability to make the sheeple of the world think he's the answer while masking his ideology with flowery rhetoric. The fact is that he has the most liberal voting record in the Senate, which is surprising in that he hasn't really had any time to even be a Senator since he started running for president as soon as he got to Washington. When Obampra was just newly elected to the Illinois legislature in 2004, he actually said in an interview, that he would never seek higher office because he didn't have the experience or knowledge necessary to do the job. So what happened? Did he suddenly receive an epiphany from the nondenominational god of liberalism that enlightened him and enabled him to now be the most powerful man in the world? Maybe that's how it works in the world of the left. If you're a good looking minority who promises the world to the downtrodden (victim class), can give a good speech and have a reasonably quick, but indefinite answer to everything thrown at you, then you're the left's anointed royalty.

I almost feel sorry for the Demoncrats. Just look at what they have to offer as leadership. A charming, but empty suit and a political whore in an ugly pant suit as potential presidential nominees, a wimpy fruitcake as Senate leader, a San Francisco, limousine liberal as house leader, a party chairman who embarrasses himself and his party every time he opens his mouth, and 2 surviving former Demoncratic presidents both of whom are buffoons. One who is an anti-Semite, and the other, a narcissistic rapist.

There really isn't anything left to respect or admire about any of the demoncrats in office today. They truly deserve nothing but contempt for their behavior, ideology and the direction to which they continue to strive to take the country. For proof of their insanity, you only have to look at their incessant quest to punish doping baseball players, but then look the other way when potential terrorists are talking to their comrades in the Middle East. They are more interested in letting their buddies in the trial lawyer lobby sue telecom companies than protecting the citizens of this country. But I guess to them it's more important to get campaign cash so as to get re-elected, than upholding their constitutional duty.

Despite all of this, I suppose there's always a chance that a lightweight like Obampra could fleece the public and get elected. If that does happen - God forbid, I suppose some good could come of it. First, other than genocide in Iraq; Iran running over it's borders, expanding it's empire, controlling the oil supply and sending world costs skyrocketing; Iran nuking Israel; the US economy tanking due to increased regulation, litigation and taxation; a demoralized and de-funded military; and increased terrorism - probably on our own soil; - as all this could very well happen, it would give rise to the eventual reawakening of true conservatism in America. I guess we have to be honest and admit that without the devastation of the Carter years, we might not have been able to get Reagan.

So, as we go into the final stages of the primary season, we can take some pleasure in the shriveling up of the Clinton legacy.
Bill will only be remembered as an abusive, immature, impeached rapist who humiliated the country and his party with his behavior and then refused to honorably resign from the presidency. Hillary will fade from the national stage and be an obscure, has-been senator who will forever be remembered as the scary, cold, ice queen who bought her senate seat with the name of her impeached political partner - certainly not with her own skill or knowledge. And then we have the new comer, Obampra, the heir apparent to the folly of the Demoncrats. If there is any sanity left in the world, he should be soundly defeated in November. Whatever happens, it will be fun to watch and take part in. Personally, I would encourage all Christians to pray for our country. We live in a dangerous time - not a time for experimenting with a platform of "hope" and feelings. So, say "goodbye" to the Clintons and say, "hello" then, "goodbye" to Obampra, the new Demoncratic disaster.


Anonymous said...

Ingest too much lead paint while visiting in Red China, Scud?

Anonymous said...

Scud, well said. No need to add anything to it, you hit the nail on the head. The mindless folly of the Lib Dem never ceases to amaze..........

Anonymous said...

Be advised Scud, you're probably going to be the target of endless attacks for this post. As usual, liberals and their second-rate minds will read this, their gears slowly grinding, desperately trying to comprehend your words. Finally, lacking any intelligent, coherent arguments to dispute what you've written, they'll just make it personal and attack you.

Great post by the way.

scud said...

Thanks guys. and you're right, the haters on the left will no doubt be unable to comment without the usual bile - but what else should we expect? They're demoncrats!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Tom. The lib demoncrats will never logically argue a point on it's merits. They only know how to make personal attacks. They're pathetic losers. I have no doubt the libs will start making personal attacks on Scud though. Maybe they'll call him names like "political whore", or "buffoon", or "wimpy fruitcake", or "rapist", or "scary cold ice queen". Tom, you hit the nail on the head. Personal attacks are the last refuge for people who have absolutely no idea what their talking about.

scud said...

Oooo! Irony. And delivered with acidic sarcasm. How quaint. Good point though. Yes, I'll admit, I detest almost everything about Demoncratic politicians. They absolutely suck! I think exercising my right to call them as I see them is just fine. They are public figures that deliberately put themselves in the sites of those of us who disagree with them. It is also your right to criticize my point of view. The only difference is that those of us, who have common sense, know that you're wrong. So go for it, prove to us your foolishness.

Anonymous said...

Scud, you talked the kids into signing up for the military yet? That would be the best way to support the "common sense" pesident you admire so much. It's unseemly when patriots like you and yours refuse to step up to the plate and support your president.

Anonymous said...

Scud: It's been a while since I've read one of your angry tirades. Always a pleasure.

I question your characterization of post-occupational Iraq. What you call "genocide" I call "civil war." The downfall of Hussein has turned the tables on the Sunni minority. They're not comfortable in the role once occupied by the Shia and they can't do math.

It will not be necessary for Iran to run over Iraqi borders. They'll be invited by the Shia government. See, funny thing about the Bush administration. Their understanding of Middle Eastern politics is considerably worse than yours.

scud said...

Too bad your usual brilliance hasn't been utilized yet. Maybe in the upcoming socialist regime of Obampra you can finally solve the worlds problems with your vast geopolitical and economic wisdom. I hope you convert your 401K into hard assets like gold and gems because the market will be worthless by the time the defeatocrats get through. You can stand on the corner and trade them for bread. Before that happens though, maybe you can go out to Berkley, put on a pink tutu and march around with the Code Pink intellectuals. I'm sure they'd appreciate the help from a guy who's estrogen level surpasses theirs. good luck.

Anonymous said...

Scud: While you have to appreciate Bush's recent conversion to Keynes there are concerns about his economic stewardship. Cheap money was available throughout the Bush years. There's nothing wrong with that. One industry convinced people it offered risk free returns above other investments. Although money was widely inexpensive, only one asset market bubbled. For rational minds, that is cause for alarm. What came next should have demanded regulatory oversight. Instead, Washington turned a blind eye.

Economic activity in the latter half of the Bush years was driven by easy loans, relaxed standards, dubious lending and the securitization of risk affixed with five star ratings. Those assessments were fraudulent. How do securities backed by subprime loans achieve the highest ratings? It's easy when the criteria is subjective. While you bemoan oversight, I find it a necessary evil. If there was a time for enforced regulation, it was during the height of the housing bubble. The administration did nothing. Now Scud rejoices as we cringe on the verge of CPI and retail sales reports due later this week. And therein lies the difference between you and me. I stopped enjoying hangovers years ago. But this hangover is particularly bad. Most never imbibed. Real median income is virtually unchanged since 1999.

The Bush years feel like Reagan redux. We've replaced replaced junk bonds with subprime mortgages, Michael Milken with Angelo Mozilo. The savings and loan bail out will soon be replaced with a mortgage buy out. In both cases, a few cronies got rich and the public paid the price. Disaster could have been avoided with regulatory enforcement. Reagan was better than Bush in one regard. On the eve of the 1990 recession, income was high. Sadly, only a few reaped the benefits of stellar turn of the century productivity gains. Now we face a 2008 recession with 1999 paychecks.

Anonymous said...

I have to hand it to scud. Few guys can look back fondly on the Bush administration and think worse times lie ahead.

Anonymous said...

Scud is a walking talking model of the old saying, "Ignorance is bliss".

Anonymous said...

Scud strikes again!