Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I'm Off!

cindi moron
Sorry to disappoint you all, but I'm off to Europe to spread the gospel of conservatism to our demented socialist pseudo-allies across the pond. We start in London, then to Gay Pareee, then Venice, Tuscany and Rome. I promise to wear my biggest USA shirt, cowboy boots and Bush hat. I also promise to talk loud, in English only, make fun of everything I see and hear that's not familiar, and ask for French fries at every French restaurant. I'll let you know how it goes. Viva la USA!

Here's a homework assignment for all you kind hearted, inclusive, and diversity minded libs: watch for any replays of the "massive" anti-War/Bush/America rally from last weekend, and tell me how proud you must be that those circus animals that were on display in DC, are now the voice of the demoncrat party and the liberal ideology of the left. Please tell us how you think you ever will have a shot at winning a major election again?


Anonymous said...

Have a great trip Scud. Say hi to all the Eurotrash for us. Love this pic of the MSM's latest circus monkey. Too bad those two guys did not just saunter over to the nearest dumpster and drop her in. Poor Cindy, her 15 minutes has come and gone, no one cares, time for you to drop some acid, OD, and disappear forever.

Anonymous said...

Everybody's "fame" ebbs and flows, but the movement will go on. Rest easy Tom. We'll end this war before your cowardly ass has to actually go fight in it.

Anonymous said...

Be careful in Europe. It's filled with a lot of great people who might change your preconceived notions about the continent ... nah, that's not gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

With flyover out of flyover country I've got nobody to tell me why Harriet Miers is the perfect SCOTUS nominee. Normally I could turn to powerline:
[Bush] nominated someone whose only obvious qualification is her relationship with him.
She would not have been selected but for her status as a Bush crony

Then there's the scion of conservative politics, Richard A. Viguerie:
Liberals have successfully cowed President Bush by scaring him off from nominating a known conservative
President Bush has presided over the largest growth in government since Lyndon Johnson, and now he appears willing to lose all credibility with conservative voters by failing to fulfill his campaign vow to nominate an openly Scalia- or Thomas-like justice

It's a sad day when the bastion of Republican politics lives in ... Minnesota?

Anonymous said...

You Americans are so narrow-viewed. America is not always right, America is not always the best. So why would you want to come to Europe to push your own vision and opinion onto us? Sure, we're willing to listen to whatever you have to say. Don't feel so superior to us, because you're far from it.