There is a lot of blame to go around for the current financial mess we're in. However, as stated previously, The Dems are neck deep in it, more so than any of the other culprits. The speech that Speaker Pelosi gave today right before the house vote on the bail out bill, said all you needed to hear to understand why Washington is so screwed up. When you're caught with your hand in the cookie jar, lie and blame it on someone else.
I love how Obampra and his friends continue to cry and moan about how Washington is broken and needs to be changed. The FACT is that the faces shown above are some of the most shrill cheerleaders in the partisan bickering game that has been the core issue in the present stupidity of the Federal government. It's more than ironic that those that scream the loudest for change, are the ones most responsible for the contentious tone that has weakened the effectiveness of Washington. Since Bush won in 2000, the agenda of the left has been to destroy Republicans at any cost including losing a war, screwing up energy policy, over spending and now blowing up the economy with liberal lending practices and blocking necessary regulation. Unfortunately, Bush has never been an effective vocal fighter for what he wanted to do, and acquiesced too many times to try to buy favor with those that hated him. Now, we're faced with a financial Pearl harbor, and at zero hour in a close and contentious election, the hatred of the left has blinded demoncrats, and is preventing them from doing what's right for the country. Once again, it becomes obvious that it is more important to throw punches and spew hate than join hands and work for the people. This is why I absolutely loath the demoncrats in office. They will be the demise of this great country.
It's time to clean house. Vote them out. They are the problem.
Scud, I know it would be a new experience for you, but could you try the reality route just once. You may not like it, but I promise it won't kill you.
I know the truth hurts for those on the left. Therefore, just dig your head a little deeper into the sand and pretend that your guys are as pure as the driven snow and that everything bad in the world is the result of George Bush and the Republicans. The deeper your head gets, the less truth you'll have to see.
Good luck living in your fantasy world.
It'll beat living in your fantasy world of the last 8 years.
Please explain how Howard Dean has anything to do with the 700 billion dollar package proposed by THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION. He doesn't serve in Congress or the federal government in any capacity. He could neither vote for, nor against it's passage. His opinions are no more relevant than yours or mine.
I'm still not entirely clear. Are you for, or against this exercise in socialism?????
Hey whadda ya know. Another republican hack bemoaning a lack of bipartisanship while making a partisan attack. Imagine that.
Howlin' Howie is another part of the Dem leadership that continues to promote the strategy that Bush hatred and destroying Republicans is the only order of business on the Demoncrats legislative agenda. He is a disgrace and a joke. There are many other Dems that deserve to be on the "wall", but space is limited.
I personally think that something has to happen, but not the bill that was presented. I like the Republican idea of an insured loan that will better protect tax payers from flat out footing the bill.
With all these dire warnings about how the Dems are out to destroy the known world. You're sounding a lot like Chicken Little or a right wing talk show host.
I was just watching TV and there was McCain asking the public for suggestion on how to solve the economic dilemma the country's in. Well, after some serious thought, here's the plan I came up with.
Since we're talking about a bailout amount of 700,000,000,000, and the country has a population of roughly 300,000,000. I propose the government hold a lottery and give 700,000 taxpayers a million buck each. The odds on winning are great, 1 person in every 450 or so. Maybe a little better if we refuse to let CEO's and politicians participate. Just in case my plan gets adopted, I'd like to wish everyone good luck.
Look at that picture of Pelosi. Seriously, she looks like the remains of Ramses II. Man, she's ugly.
Sorry, libdem trash, I know she's a goddess to you but wow, she is revolting to look at.
Good point. Unfortunately for her, she is even uglier on the inside. She is cold, vindictive and sinister; a dark hearted "B". A perfect leader for the demoncrats.
Man are you ever right about Pelosi. As conservatives we prefer that our women look more like Barbara Bush or Lynne Cheney. Now there are a couple lookers!
So let me get this straight. You're angry at dems who couldn't pass legislation which you didn't want to pass in the first place. Neocon logic at it's best.
Now Scud wants to, once again, expand the size of the federal government. This time by forming a governmental organization responsible for underwriting claims, collecting premiums, paying on claims, and all the other work that comes with running a multi billion dollar insurance company. This would be no small task to be handled by existing agencies. It would require people, money, and time. Or maybe he thinks Jesus will just make it happen magically.
The repugs plan doesn't address the fundamental problem that there is no market for these securities. How can you write insurance on these securities unless you know the risks you are taking and you can't know that unless you have a market. Anyway, this is a much less effective way of addressing the problem and would very likely cost taxpayers more than the 700 billion dollar bailout. Perhaps most importantly most immediately is that since it is not clear how and if it will work it won't stabilize financial markets.
I spotted Obamessiah on the news at the club today. It's so amusing to watch this purple-lipped, floppy-eared goofball with a resume that's a blank sheet of paper tell us how he's going to change the world. And behind him, crowds of supporters, glassy-eyed, holding up signs "Change We Can Believe In" and "YES WE CAN", grinning their stupid grins. Lord, what a group of idiots.
The sad fact is that the office of president was never intended to be a position of hope, peace, contentment, purpose, or whatever these people think it should bring. Those things will never come from any politician, ever. But that's exactly what these fools are looking for from The One.
Who else promised hope and change as primary pillars for their rise to power? That would be Mr. Hitler himself. How could Germany fall for that, we asked rhetorically. Right, America. Hold up a mirror.
"purple-lipped, floppy-eared"... Wow!!! You left out nappy-haired, welfare-lovin, and uppity.
"the office of president was never intended to be a position of hope, peace, contentment, purpose.
If the stifling of hope, peace, contentment and purpose is the republican yardstick for presidential success. Then George W Bush has indeed been the perfect president.
you're right, I guess those other descriptors are accurate as well for our soon to be "dear leader". He even has the choirs of indoctrinated little children singing songs about his greatness. Wow. the sickness is overwhelming.
Note to the idiot above - I'm pretty sure there was nothing written from the founders that stated that the purpose of the President was to instill Hope, peace, contentment or purpose, or global status. I'm pretty sure however that upholding the constitution and defending the country might be pretty high up on the priority list. moron.
Scud, though you consistently demonstrate that you're not playing with a full deck. This time you've pretty much exceeded all your past efforts. With the "I'm pretty sure there was nothing written from the founders that stated that the purpose of the President was to instill Hope, peace, contentment or purpose, or global status." I'll give you the global status argument. Since I doubt the founders devoted too much thought to that issue anyway, what with the revolution and all. But it's only commonsense to believe they would have been pleased that our presidents just might " instill Hope, peace, contentment or purpose" in the populace.
Whether it actually written down somewhere or not. Somehow, that positive thought seems preferable to the alternative. Believing the founders were really counting on the country's presidents to create despair, conflict, discontent and indifference.
If the President's primary job is to uphold the Constitution. Then he/she is tasked to, among other things, insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for us and our children..... Sounds pretty peaceful and hopeful to me.
Aahhh, duuhh...do you think that a president that prioritizes his agenda with defending and securing the country might affect those other results as a bi-product of performing his constitutional duties? yeah.
I hate to start down this path, but.... I imagine a whole lot of dictatorial leaders have excelled at securing their country's borders. North Korea, Soviet Union, East Germany just to name a few. Obviously the bi-product of this action didn't trickle down to instill hope, peace, or contentment in their general population.
Butt Buddy, you obviously don't understand the concept of trickle-down-civics. All a prez has to do is support the troops. Freedoms of speech, press, due process, etc. will organically emerge out of the residue.
I'm sorry for your confusion. Not much I can do to help you guys. My guess is you've spent too much time in propaganda classes, and/or too much MTV. Good luck in your ignorance.
Hmmm,...looks like we got a Sarah Palin statement from Scud.
??? Go ahead and vote for the farthest left ticket in history. Biden is the perfect veep for you guys; factually inaccurate, smug, predictable and a throw back to old fashioned tax and spend liberalism. Change?, Hope? Not from Biden, and certainly not from Obamessiah.
You gotta vote for me. I'm the only one who's fully protected against witchcraft. You betcha.
Franken (D) 43%
Coleman (R) 34% (ha! ha!)
Barkley (I) 18% (who?)
While much of the blame can also be attributed to the left for mandating a higher percentage of high risk loans, foreclose and loan defaults are just one of the factors. Health care costs are the most widespread cause of bankruptcy in our country. Perhaps the 700 hundred billion could have been better spent... On the other hand, at least the government bailout is recoverable. It took several hundred pages more of unrelated pork to get the right wing ideologues of the house to vote for this bill. I guess Muslims they ain't.
And defeating the GOP at all costs is a mighty fine strategy! Why waste our time now while the social gospel is prevailing and the end times are near with the imminent rise of Obama the anti-christ!
Scud: no matter how you slice it, tax and spend liberalism is better than borrow and spend conservatism. Your buddy George W. Bush just became the 11 trillion dollar President.
BTW: My wife and I just returned from Boston with our marriage intact. So much for that theory...
Thanks for sharing Jeff. That's a relief to us all. I stay up nights wondering how your marriage is going.
And, BTW, check your math. It's not $11 trillion but more like $53 trillion when you roll all the obligations and debt in; 4 times the GDP. All George's fault, right? I'm not worried. When The One takes over in 2009, rest assured, Nirvana will be here. He's got the track record on his side. Just look what he's done in his short lifetime.
No matter how you slice it, America is screwed....huge.
Attention TK. This is your pilot speaking. The jokes will be flying over your head at an altitude of 30,000 feet....
And speaking of humorless drolls, was scud against the bailout before he was for it? He loves George Bush and hates Democrats so who can tell?
Dear Supporter,
Come November, I'll probably need a place to crash. Since I'm used to receiving generous gifts from my loyal supporters, I was wondering if I could live in your house. I'd be willing to pay up to $50 a month, and would be willing to mow the lawn. Let me know.
Your friend,
Norm Coleman
P.S. Do you have any nice suits I could "borrow". I wear nothing but the best. Thanks again.
scud: just curious. What made you choose to live in Minnesota? I'd think you'd feel more at home in Utah (64% McCain) or Oklahoma (65%). Although those states have big McCain numbers for lack of large urban areas. In the rural Bible Belt you'd probably find much to suit your sensibilities. Appalachian Georgia is probably a good fit. You ought to consider it...
Jeff, stop worrying about where Scud should live and focus on that wife of yours. She needs a real man.............
Any one of these guys could be scud:
McCain supporters are white, old and angry...
scud, what gives? Your buddy Norm Coleman told reporters that he would not be appearing at a planned rally with McCain this afternoon. Is the Republican candidate really that toxic? The rats are jumping ship....
It isn't that McCain is toxic. It's that Mr. Scud wanted to take me shopping.
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