Thursday, October 07, 2004

Madeline Halfbright, SHUT UP!

Madeline Halfbright
Why can't the former Clinonistas shut up and go away? Madeline Halfbright, former Secretary of State for the Arkansas Mafia (Clinton administration) continues to be given air time to spread some of the most ridiculous deceptions and propaganda in the history of our country. The democrats have really lost it. She's lucky to be walking around as a free woman. In another time, she would have been locked up or shot for treason for what she did as secretary of state. i.e. Toasting Kim Jung Il and brokering a deal to give North Korea, an acknowledged enemy, nuclear technology and material. I know it's easy to continue to pile on to the Clintons and their 8-year tragedy in office, but the fact is, that it was the most corrupt group ever in the White House, and they continue to speak out in the most absurd ways! She, and the other Mafioso, are allowed to criticize the Bush administration for doing what they wouldn't do. She continues to say that the President lied about WMD, and doesn't understand the difficulties and complexities of the Iraq situation. Come on. Does anyone other than the indoctrinated cult followers believe this? I don't think that anyone in "flyover" country can listen to this used up propagandist verbally flatulate, and think of her message as anything other than what it is, crap. Please Madeline, shut up and go away. And take the rest of your Socialist European wanabe buddies with you. I guess that would be most of the Democrats. Oh well, France will love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I admire your attempt to sound educated, but you still fail. I hope you don't think anyone takes you seriously. Really, shouldn't the days of hasty mis-spellings and messed up phrasing that doesn't make sense be behind us all? Even if your message was worthwhile, one would still have to decode it to understand. But then we come to the chicken and the egg, don't we....